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CAVE PROTECTION: tricks, thoughts and actions

Download a slideshow (64 slides) here!

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Exploring barefoot - to avoid muddying the floor. In my caving career I have, unfortunately, witnessed cave damage, caused by cavers, by sheer ignorance or stupidity.  And being a cave photographer I have often taken pictures of the damage they caused.

But I am also a very active caver, discovering and exploring new caves and... taking care of them. I also have participated in cave restoration or maintenance actions, such as taping off formations or cleaning them.  And of course, I have also taken many a picture of this.

Both negative and positive experiences, and all the pictures I have collected, where the start for a Powerpoint-presentation that was  (and still is) used by the Flemish Caving Federation (VVS) during "new" caver trainings

This presentation contains 64 slides and features many unique pictures.  It has been translated into French, for which I must thank  Michel Souverville (Arspan), Christian Marget and Marc Legros. I did the English translation myself, which was revised by Tony Knibb en Dave Steer.  In April 2003 Sergey Seredin from Moscow speleoclub Perovo translated it in Russian. This translation was revised by Victor Komarov. In May 2003 the Spanish translation was done by Evaristo QUIROGA of the Espeleo Club de Gracia (Barcelone).   Many thanks to all of you!

You can view it online, in PDF-format, by simply clicking the link below. But be warned: 2,5  MB so you need a fast Internet connection. Otherwise, I recommend you download it first, and look at it offline.  To download, click on the link with right mousebutton and choose "save target".

(Tip: in the presentation you go from page to page by pressing PgUp/PgDn.  Pressing Escape brings you into the Adobe Acrobat Reader interface).

Anyway, you are free to download the presentation and distribute it as wide as you want. The more people that see it, the better for the caves!  You can use it in your club or federation, for training puposes or to animate or start a discussion or round-table. What you may not do is decompile, dismantle or change the presentation in any way. You may not extract or use the pictures. 


Pictures to complete the presentation, comments and critics are welcome, if constructive.


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